Mekong Elephant coffee&restaurant

Mekong Elephant is an elegant restaurant with a well equipped machineries, perfect decorum, and always serving a tasty food at a reasonable price.

Mekong ElephantsCoffee &Restaurant was popularly known as new restaurant which opened on 13rd January 2013. As a country that was built around Mekong River which serve as peace and love to the nation and within the elephants bring happiness, prosperity, the name Mekong Elephantswas called for interest of the country, community, family and friends. Moreover, Mekong Elephants harbors many kind of animal, precisely called sea creature as food in the restaurant. So couple with creatures in the sea and the benefit of the river make the restaurant to be adventure like, in another word, it contain series and interesting packages for the masses, like good environment, descent and cool dining area, master piece meeting room, fresh and delicious display of buffet foods where different people choose Mekong ElephantsCoffee &Restaurant to be their breakfast, dining lunch and dinner pasture.